Attributes of the Request
Most of the request of Firstoken Payments API, has some of the following attributes
transaction_info {object}
Required: true
Represents the information details of the request in a JSON object. The object has the following attributes:
type: string Type value represent the type of request that is sent.
Example: “authorization”
Required: true
reference_code: string Represents your order reference or tracking number for this request.
Example: "123456789"
Required: true
card {object}
Required: true
Represents the credit card JSON object. The object has the attributes:
number: int Represents a Luhm compliant credit card value. Example: "4242424242424242" Required: true
expiration_date: string Represents the expiration date of the card. Example: "01/27" | "01/2027" Required: true
security_code: string Security code value represents the expiration date of the card. Example: "123"
Required: true
order_info {object}
Required: true
This object represents the order information details with the attributes:
amount_details: {object} Represents the amount information details for the transaction, must contain these attributes:
total_amount: integer Represents the total of the transaction. Example: 1000 Required: true
currency: string Represents the currency. Use the three-character ISO Standard Currency Codes. Example: "COP" Required: true
installments: integer Represents the number of installments. Example: 1
Required: false
bill_to {object}
Required: true
Represents the billing JSON object with the following the attributes:
first_name: string
Example: “Steve”
Required: true.
last_name: string
Example: “Jobs”
Required: true.
country: string
Example: “United States”
Required: true.
address_1: string
Example: “412 W, Flower Village”
Required: true.
address_2: string
Example: “apartment 54”
Required: true.
city: string
Example: “Miami”
Required: true.
state: string
Example: “Florida”
Required: true.
phone_number: string
Example: “2561234567”
Required: true.
email: string
Example: “”
Required: true.
postal_code: string
Example: “33125”
Required: true
device_info {object}
Required: false
Represents the device information JSON object, provide information about the device like the following attribute:
ip_address: string IP address of the device.
Example: “”
Required: false
Last updated
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