Required: true
Cards value represents an array of credit cards JSON object. Each object has the attributes:
card: integer
Example: 4242424242424242
An object with the CHD
name: string
Example: Steve Jobs
The cardholder name.
exp: string
Example: 01/27
A valid expiration card date with the format MM/YY.
cvv: integer
Example: 000
A valid CVV code for the card.
The amount of the capture. If you do not need to capture the amount value, you must send the amount value 0.
Example: 100
The three digits ISO code for the currency.
Example: USD
Required: false
An object with the additional fields. You can send multiples additional fields with every capture in the format {"key": "value"}
Example: {"phone": "(555) 555-1234"}
Required: true
The time to live of this capture is retained in Firstoken Capture measure in seconds. The maximum value for this field is 28800 seconds.
Example: 300