POST - Proxy
curl -X POST
-H 'ft-access-key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
ft-url-destiny: string URL which proxy API will send the request Required: true
ft-access-key: string This headers contains the Firstoken API Key Required: true
ft-headers: JSON This JSON contains the headers that proxy have to add to the request. Example: {“Authorization” : “hsFG84hbnfk454bja”} Required: false
ft-encryption: JSON This JSON contains the properties required to apply an encryption in the selected values. Must contain the following properties:
Key: string Is the RSA key
Type: string The type of the encryption algorithm.
is_partial: Boolean Explains if the encryption is partial or not.
Example: {"key": "{{your-encryption-key}}", "type": "RSA", "is_partial": true} Required: false
In the Proxy body, only a valid token (permanent or temporary) is necessary to extract sensitive data with the actions and filters explained in "Actions".
Example body of a Proxy POST request
"chd": {
"card": " {{4242428XsEs24242:detokenize | extract:card}}",
"name": " {{4242428XsEs24242:detokenize | extract:name}}",
"exp": " {{4242428XsEs24242:detokenize | extract:expiration | date:MM}}/ {{4242428XsEs24242:detokenize | extract:expiration | date:YY}}"
"order_id": "1243092185268",
"detokenize_id": "838CF75C85374DDE88FBF95859D5067E",
"payment_id": "1E48107A6DAF47C393BA4A40F8BB64EC",
"reference": "503423",
"shopper_interaction": "ecommerce",
"payment_method": "Amex",
"value": 22.330000000000002,
"currency": "BRL"
Proxy response body
The Proxy response body will contain the status codes of the call and inside the data object, the response sent by the destination url designated in the header.
Last updated
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