You can detokenize any token generated by Firstoken. The detokenization process receives an array of tokens and returns the information associated with each token.
POST /v1/detokenization/simple
curl -X POST
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Required true
Example: ["4242424242424242", "5555557838444444"]
An array of tokens.
The status code represents the result of the operation that was performed. For successful transactions a code 200 is always returned for the others another code is returned.
The status is a string result that only has two possible values. "Success" or "Fail".
desc: string
The desc value represents a short description about the status code.
data: {object}
The value of the data represents a set of JSON objects of tokenized credit cards. Each object has the following attributes:
The wrapper object of detokenized tokens.
card: int
The credit card number..
name: string
The cardholder name.
exp: string
The expiration date of the credit card.
token: string
The token associated to the credit card.
status: int
Value 1 if it was possible to detokenized the token. Value 0 if it was not possible to detokenized the token.