You can use this method to retrieve the unique identifier in Firstoken of a particular transaction. This method returns no sensitive data, and it is useful to know the status of a transaction and then execute a GET Transaction request.
GET /V1/request/:id
curl -X GET
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
id: string
A valid Transaction ID
status_code: int
The status code represents the result of the operation that was performed. For successful transactions a code 200 is always returned for the others another code is returned.
status: string
The status is a string result that only has two possible values. "Success" or "Fail".
desc: string
The desc value represents a short description about the status code.
data: {object}
The value of the data represents a set of JSON objects of detokenized tokens. Each object has the following attributes:
id: string
The Firstoken Captures transaction unique identifier.
amount: int
The amount of the capture.
currency: string
The three digits ISO code for the currency.
additional_info: {object}
An object with the additional fields of the capture.
status: string
The transaction status is "success” if the transaction exists and is alive according to the ttl sent in the capture process or “fail” if the transaction does not exist or the time to live is expired.