Create an Inbound Route
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For the Inbound Creation, click on “ + new inbound Route” button
In the creation page, will find the following fields that have to complete for create the Inbound:
Name: Enter a unique name for your Inbound. This field is required.
Description: Add a brief description if desired. This field is optional.
If you want to designate a specific proxy for responses, select it here. Make sure you've created the proxy beforehand.
Custom Domain: If you plan to use a custom domain, activate it here. This will allow you to use a CNAME record for customization.
Note: If you choose to use a custom domain, you must designate a proxy in the previous step.
IP Whitelist: Specify the IP addresses or CIDR ranges allowed to use this Inbound. Be careful when granting access.
Token Type:
Choose between Permanent or Temporal.
For permanent tokens, you have the option to make them persistent.
Path: If using a custom domain, define the specific path to receive information. Otherwhise will be a read-only input
Mapping Data: Complete the following fields with the correct paths for your client's data:
Card Number (e.g., "chd.cardnumber")
Cardholder Name (e.g., "chd.holder")
Expiration Month (e.g., "chd.expiration.month | date: MM")
Expiration Year (e.g., "chd.expiration.year | date: YYYY")
CVV (only for Transaction actions, e.g., "")
Tags (only for Tokenization actions, e.g., "tags_IR")
Overwritten fields: Select the fields that should be returned with the replaced token. (e.g., “chd” or “cardnumber”)
TTL (Time To Live): If you've selected 'transaction' as the action, set a TTL.
Include Metadata: Decide if you need additional information in the Inbound response. If so, select "yes" and provide names for the custom fields.
Once all fields are completed, click the "Create" button. You'll be shown a screen with the URL and corresponding Route ID that you'll need to use.
Remember: You can verify permanent tokens in the Customer Portal (Tokens section) or using the TaaS API. For temporal tokens, use the Transactions API with the transaction ID from the inbound request.